Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lunch and a Drug Bust

Dave and I were enjoying the warm weather, having leftover sushi for lunch on the sun porch, and chatting about our week so far. Dave has had a bit of a hard week in the 4X market while my week has been relatively easy (I only teach 5 classes this week, compared to 12 last week).

A couple of kids pull up in front of our house and start wandering around (looking suspicious). The driver goes around the corner and starts talking with some kids in another car (we can see them through our side yard hedge) and the passenger of the first car jumps in the driver's side and takes off. Dave and I are thinking this is all a bit strange.

Then another car pulls up and parks right next to the car by our side yard and these Mormon looking fellows get out and start talking to the kids. I was thinking, "Well, if the Mormons are talking to them they must be ok." Suddenly, the kids are out of the car and the Mormons aren't Mormons, they are plainclothes police officers and the kids are getting questioned by the law.

Then, just like in "Cops" one kid takes off on foot, followed by one of the officers. The other officer puts the other kid down on the ground and radios for help. Boy did the Black & Whites show up fast. Those kids didn't have a chance. They were so busted. Anyway, after a bunch of talking, the original kid from the first car whose friend ditched him, got arrested, and the kid who got put on the ground got a warning, and the girl who was a passenger got searched but no arrest or warning.

Kind of puts your week in perspective seeing a couple of folks get arrested like that. Really, overall, a pretty good week for us.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Into the Wild

So many people live within unhappy circumstances
and yet will not take the initiative
to change their situation
because they are conditioned to a life
of security, conformity, and conservatism,
all of which may appear to give one peace of mind,
but in reality nothing is more dangerous
to the adventurous spirit within a man
than a secure future.

The very basic core of a man's living spirit
is his passion for adventure.

The joy of life
comes from our encounters
with new experiences,
and hence there is no greater joy
than to have an endlessly changing horizon,
for each day to have a new and different sun.

— Chris McCandless, Into The Wild